Frequently Asked Questions for Singles Only Club of Kingston

Q: Is it expensive?
A: No! $30.00 per year.  You can come out to two or three activities before we ask for your money.

Q: What are the requirements for membership?
A: We only care that you are single: widowed, separated, divorced or always single.

Q: Do I need to have a computer?
A: It's easier if you have a computer, but if you don't, here are some suggestions.  Go to a relative who has a computer and set up a hotmail account.  It's free.  You can also use the computer at any library.  You can print off a schedule for a small fee.  

Q: What sort of social activities do you offer?
A: It depends on the season, but you can count on dining at inexpensive restaurants, potlucks at the homes of members, community events, cards and board games.  We go dancing at places that have Rock & Roll bands: no wallflowers, we dance in a big group!  Go to our "Calendar" section and see the activities that we have coming up.

Q: What does the $30.00 membership actually give me?
A: Your $30.00 membership gives you access to around forty new friends.  Want company for a movie?  Need an extra pair of hands for a project?  Remember, we are all single just like you!  We also have members-only events, usually in the homes of members.  These are more common in the warmer months - backyard barbeques, swim parties and cottage visits.  Our membership income pays for this website, and a few office supplies.  Any surplus gets spent on special members-only parties.  We maintain a very small bank balance.

Q: Is this some sort of dating club?
A: Sometimes members date each other outside of club activities, but that is not the purpose of the club.  If you are dating, we ask that you conduct yourself as a single while at club activities.  If you truly become a couple, then you are no longer single and no longer eligible for membership.

Q: Do I have to attend meetings?
A: Only if you want to attend.  It is the same way for any club activity.  Go to as many things as you like or as few things as you like.

Q: I noticed on your calendar that you have leaders.  Who are the leaders?
A: A leader is any club member who wants to run an activity.  It usually just means making a commitment to show up.  That way you always have the company of at least one person for an activity.  If you are a leader, but can't be there, we ask that you call another member to find someone to take over the activity.

Q: What if an activity is cancelled?
A: We send out an e-mail ASAP.  If the weather is not co-operating, we suggest checking your email before heading out.

Q: I noticed that some activities are for members only.  What does that mean?

A: These are activities that take place in a member's home.  Members generously offer their homes for board games, cards and other activities.  We always make these events a potluck.

Q: Do I have to be a leader or have activities at my house?
A: No, but it's fun to do so.

Q: How do you decide what activities to offer your members?
A: If a member wants to run an event, he/she goes to the calendar and adds it.  We are always open to new ideas. If you enjoy an activity probably others will too.

Q: Are there any activities that are not acceptable?
A: Generally, no.  If an activity is not well-received, attendance will be very low.  We stay away from events that are not open to both genders, although some events may be of more interest to one gender.  We also steer away from commercial events, for example a presentation that is only for someone to sell a product or service.

Q: Does this mean that if I offer a product or service, that I can't do business?
A: Not at all.  Lots of members do business with each other.  Handing out your business cards is okay.  Turning us into a captive audience is not.